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Thursday, April 18, 2013

            Although everyone experience stress, not everyone handles it constructively.  The body can handle some stress, whether it is physical or mental.  It must be coped with and most people have the ability to do so.  Because of the complexity of today’s world everyone at one time or another experiences stress.  Stress can result from many things: financial problems, loneliness, high pressure jobs, relationships, demise of a close person, traffic jams, etc.

Positive Stress:  In this aspect, stress  can be helpful in concentrating, focusing and even performing at peak efficiency levels.  When the challenge has been met, the person then takes time to relax and enjoy the achievements, this “downtime” allows one’s body and mind to recharge for the next challenge.

Negative Stress:  when stress becomes a constant , ongoing cycle your health begins to deteriorate.  This “long term” statis, if not managed, has been linked to ailments ranging from tension headaches to heart attacks.  When the brain is under stress, it produces  an excess of the hormone ACTH.  This hormone inhibits the manufacture of white blood cells so vital in fighting disease.  When faced with a high degree of stress, the body reacts this way: digestion shuts off and heart rate increases, with a resulting increase in blood pressure and breathing.  Fats and sugars are released from stress in the body.  Cholesterol levels rise, and the blood prepares for clotting (necessary in case of injury) by changing in composition.  A state of continual stress eventually tires the body, weakens the immune system, creates states of hypertension, raises cholesterol levels, and initiates conditions such as headaches, pains, sleeplessness, indigestion, and depression, which can turn into much more  serious problems.

Suggestions:  Exercise regularly, Meditation & Deep breathing, Proper  rest & sleep, Take a vacation, Relax with a massage or a nice relaxing foot reflexology treatment., warm bath, cranial sacral therapy, color therapy, herbal teas and nervine herbs.

Important Nutrients:  Nutri Calm or Brewers yeast, nervines, Nervous system pack available from Natures Sunshine-1 800-223-8225 sponsor number #194881, Oat Bran for bowel cleansing and improved bowel function, lecithin-2 caps w/meals. Coats the nerve fibers.