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Poultices & Bolus’

Apple Cider vinegar baths-  pain
Chickweed tea or SF, Lobelia drops, Black Walnut on the infected skin area.
BF & C Poultice, Slippery Elm, Goldenseal bolus-  use equal parts of first two and a touch of golden seal.  Make into a bolus by mixing with alittle warm water and coconut oil.  Roll into a 1” bolus, freeze, insert  into the vagina every other night.  2-3  3 x’s a week.
 Eat lightly…mainly fruits and veggies.  Eliminate all white flour and sugar products.
Golden seal wash:  put one capsule into a pint of water or so.  Soak a cotton cloth and apply warm compresses to the area every night.
Carrot Poultice:  Boil carrots until soft, or they can be used raw, mash to a pulp, add some coconut oil to keep them from hardening, spread on cotton cloth and apply.  Excellent for offensive  and stubborn sores that just won’t heal.  Garden carrots, grated raw, and applied as a poultice, will cleanse old sores and ulcers.  Follow with goldenseal wash and or aloe vera  gel .