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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anti Plague Formula

I have been thinking about all of the Turmoil that is happening to our country and praying what the Lord should have me do. One day I figured out how simple it would be to make a anti plague formula and so that is what I did today.
Anti Plague Formula

Blend in a high powered blender, garlic, ginger root, cayenne pepper, Horseradish along with some glycerin, apple cider vinegar and about 5 oz of water. I make it strong, you can play with the amounts of each. Since I deal with a lot of sick people, I need to take care of myself--I plan on using this formula for sauces, soups and also when I get sick. You can also brew a tea of Oak bark, Comfrey, Marshmallow root, Mullein, Wormwood, Lobelia, Gravelroot, Skullcap and Black Walnut and add this to the mixture when a Plague or epidemic hits.

Their is no time like the present to start preparing......................