Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Madeline's Crime.
Detective O'Peale brought Madeline in for questioning friday night around 5:30 pm. questioned her about her where about's on the afternoon of Oct 6
Madeline said: I was playing bridge with the girls at KK's house and I had too many Manhattan's and I can't remember anything after that Detective until later when I barfed all over Janies new bathroom carpet.
Well we have your black bag and White shoes on camera and you are our only suspect that matches the description the victim gave that afternoon concerning the mystery of the stolen book and since you were at KK's house which is just down the street from where the book was stolen--we figured it had to be you who took the book...just tell us madeline that you have this problem...you know...problems with stealing books...
Madeline: I don't have a problem stealing books..
Detective: Just tell us Madeline..it's ok.. I need to wrap this case up tonight my boss is coming down on me to arrest someone and you are our only lead so far..just tell us you did it so I can go home and watch the game...
Madeline: What did I do anyways ...I don't remember anything after I left KK's-- I was 6 shades to the wind that afternoon. I was celebrating my divorse..I said I don't remember a thing...
Detective O'Peale: Well we have a court ordered DNI and we need to confiscate your phone for evidence...you know to look for any stolen books, or key chains or book markers that you may have taken recently...
Madeline: That's fine..I would never do something like that..my mom taught me to check out books from the library not to steal them..
Detective O'Peale: Well Madeline what should we do with you tonight? I don't know if you believe in God..but where would he want you to go for doing this crime??
Madeline: Well I could say I am sorry to the girl who I stole the book from. Or I could do community service work or I could go into the schools and tell them not to steal books because being questioned by detectives is no fun.... especially on a friday night!! Or I could stay at one of your houses tonight so you could watch me...
Detective O'Peal:
I don't think that's going to happen Madeline.
Detectives went out and conferred with themselves and decided to arrest Madeline for stealing the book...
Madeline's crime story---to be continued---