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90 days to better health Intestinal Rejuvenation-Ivy’s Recipe
Use with digestive and/or elimination disorders)
 2 times daily shake together with juice or instant C. Juices such as undistilled apple, pear, grape, cherry or peach juices are better choices.
Taken at 4 p.m. and at bedtime. ____
1-2 teaspoons of Psyllium Hulls Combination ____
2 T. Aloe Vera Juice ___
_2 T. Liquid Chlorophyll ____
2 capsules of Small Intestine Detox, opened ____
2 T. Hydrated Betonite ___
_2 Capsules of LBS II w/ another 8 oz. glass of water.
 Use this as the rinse to push all the sludge through the colon. If you experience rectal burning as toxins are released from the body, Slippery Elm will soothe and heal the anal tissue. Continue on this program for a minimum of one month. Yeast, fungus, mold Each step is done for 10 days: 1. Oil of Oregano 1 drop 3x’s Daily for 10 days. 2. Yogurt Implant: For the yogurt implant, you will need a 60 cc catheter tip syringe filled with plain room temperature organic yogurt. 3. Tea Tree Oil Protocol: Place 10 drops of Tea Tree Oil in the bottom of a glass with just enough water to cover the bottom of the glass. Drink twice a day on a empty stomach ( no food 1 hour prior and 1 hour after) Repeat this process for 10 days, and then stop for 10 days. Repeat this protocol for a total of 3 x’s Vita Lemon Colon Cleanse 1 tsp. Vita Lemon Drink, 1 tsp Natures Three, 1 tsp Slippery Elm add all three to hot water and drink for heart burn or any kind of colon issues. Go to www.naturessunshine.com sponsor # 194881