Myofascial Release 1, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Barnes Method, 2019
Certified Yoga Teacher (200 hr) Center for Spirituality and Healing, 2017
Holistic Iridology Level I, II, III, Dr. David Pesek 2009-2015
Dr. Christopher's Shool of Natural Healing, 2009
Cranio Sacral Therapy-Upledger Institute 1999 - 2007
ND- Clayton College of Natural Health, 2007
Capacitar Training-Trauma Healing, 2006
Loomis Institute of Enzyme Nutrition, 2006
Healing Touch International, Inc. 2005
MS- Clayton College of Natural Health, 2005
Lymph Drainage Therapy-Upledger Institute, 2003, 2004
BS- Clayton College of Natural Health, 2003
Hanna Kroeger school of Natural Healing, 2004
Advanced Iridology- Dr Bernard Jensen, Dr. John Ray, 1997
Licensed Massage Therapist-Blue Sky Ed Foundation, 1995
Kinsiology-Topping International Institute, 1994
Bodywork, Nutrition, Body Systems, Iridology: Institution of National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals. 1994
Woods Hygienic Institute-Colon Therapy, 1992
Aromatherapy Practitioner-American Institute of Hnani Medicine, 1992
Advanced Herbology-Steven Horne, Nature Sunshine Manger Schools, 1988
The School Of Natural Health-Doug Cloward, 1987
Associate Degree-Medical Secretary, Moraine Park Technical College, 1986
Certified Nursing Assistant-Bette Dearing, RN, 1984
International Institute of Reflexology, Phase l, ll, lll, Practicum 1984-1993
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
The American College of Iridology
Dr. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing
International Myomassethics Federation, Inc.
International Association of Healthcare Practitioners
Fond du Lac Business Builders
WIM (Women in Management)