Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Amory J. Waters....Broken but not Broke..
A year ago my son was arrested for an injustice in Madison and this completely devastated me and also my family..We were heart broken..we could not believe what was going on, why this was happening to my son and our family..the crime he was accused of was completely out of character for him.. I knew that he was innocent. but I had to find out why he was arrested in the first place...and I must say this has led me on a long and winding road for which I will not be talking about at this time, but I will say Satan is behind this whole agenda...and instead of falling, accusing God or blaming God for this..Instead..I am lifting my hands to the heavens in Praise and Honor of HIS name... I know he lives....This is a poem I have wrote in honor of my Lord and Savior..Amen..
I am a soldier for the Lord and their is a great war amongest us..we must hold true to our principals and our morals no matter what..
What Satan mean't for destruction, family, reputation... & Morality....Honor has exposed the lies and also the corruption.
What Satan mean't for financial ruin..rape and destruction...God has solemnly blessed us with spiritual and material blessings, that will eventually far out weigh what was so unjustly stolen and plundered from us..
Saten tried to defame my son's and our families reputation with lies and theivery and he was met and halted by God's sword of truth...
With God,all things are possible, now my tears are tears of joy, my strength is that of wisdom & knowing that God is the most Soverign, Almighty, Glorius King of all and I will never, ever curse my Lord & Savior and die for lack of wisdom.
This trial has been an exceptional test of our faith, on all levels seen and unseen. It has affected our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical states of mind..
This tribulation (injustice) has tested our family to the limit, to almost our breaking point and almost... broke my son!! but..Just like the saying "whatever does not kill you (take all that you have and then some) WILL MAKE YOU STRONGER!!!
God's Holy name be praised!!.................I with my family will stand as soldiers and fight the great fight to the End!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
How was Josh even arrested in the first place..
A crime happened on the UW Campus in Madison in October of last year and the victim gave the description of a young lad whom she believed did it. She gave a description of a plain red shirt, cacky pants or shorts and nike tennis shoes, no jewelry, 5"11 to 6'2 brown hair, unshaven young man in his early 20's. The girl did have a rape exam done and was asked questions. The detectves secured the area to look for evidence. The detectives went right to work to look for suspects with a red shirt, cacky pants and Nike tennis shoes. The detectives were able to secure a video of a young lad back paddleing (walking backwards in front of the girl) and the girl was seen in the video following him--walking straight towards if I was the detective I would've scrutinized this video and asked myself several questions 1. this girl does not look scared, she is walking towards him..looks like she knows him. does not hestitate or stops to pull out her phone that she does have on her or even tries to get away to the 3 other exits that she could've taken to get away from this person. so right away I would say that she is not afraid of him..and maybe makes a decision to be with him...but we do not know anymore about what happened than what is on this video rignt now..
ok now let's try to find the person who did this crime..well we will look at the video's in all the bars that night around that time and look for young men wearing a red shirt and tennis shoes, now we will look at the overhead cam's on the streets..and see what we can find. well we find a young man with a red shirt that says (WISCONSIN BADGERS) on his shirt. we also see that he is wearing cacky pants and also tennis shoes..he isn't 5'11-6'2 but he is a close enough match..let's bring him in and question him.
and then the detectives question him..
To be Continued...
Monday, August 24, 2015
man wrongly accused of crime and his story
Josh, A man who was wrongly accused for a crime that he did not committ almost a year ago now..and it seems like he was arrested based on what he said in the soft interview room that night of Oct 12? I was trying to explain how it would feel to be questioned by detectives when you are extremely afraid and especially whatever you say to the detectives they are saying that they do not beleive you and that you must know more..because of the fact that your memory is so good and that you can remember everything that happened before the crime and everything that happened after the crime but the 20 minutes you took to walk home that night you seemingly cannot remember that time frame..and I would just say..well if I was drunk and feeling like I was going to throw up and nothing exciting happened that night toooo remember. I did tell the detectives that normally when I walk home, I do not talk to anyone. I just keep my head down and walk home.
but this is how I felt when being questioned by the detectives that night...and tell me do you think that you would be able to keep your cool when being questioned????
Imagine yourself being interogated by two military officers that are trained in coeherison, they know political tactics and how to get you to say what they want you to say. They show you pictures of yourself walking and coming out of a place but they do not tell you anything about really why you are being have no idea or recollection of the crime you now figure out that they want to arrest you for..they keep telling you that they donot believe you when you try to tell them your story and what you recollect....
You are feeling more and more despondant, your blood pressure has now reached 190, your hands and arms are tingling, you are shaking incessently, you can barely sit in your seat, you are crying--sobbing because you donot know what to do..the detectives continuelly say that they donot believe your story and what you know you were drinking that night..and this evens makes it worse..because you know that you may..have done something that you do not remember-- that you know that it is a possibility.. and you entertain all sorts of thoughts and you say them out ask questions..what does the girl look like? does she know me..what is her name? The detectives say that they cannot divulge that information to you because it is to early in the case and you believe them and you sink even further in your seat and now are very dissappointed in yourself for not remembering what happened that night in that 20 minute period while you walked home that night in Madison.WI on a busy street where there were many people out that night at approx 1:30 that morn.
Well..think of what creature you are most afraid of and then think of a detective or police man who has the authority to put you in jail... bring those creatures in the room where you are sitting and then start asking you questions about an event that happened 2 weeks ago..and they so cleverly take the spiders out of their cages one by one and place them around the room and a few on your legs while continuelly in a low compassionate voice ask you questions and tell you that what you answer they do not believe..then finally what you are deathly afraid of (are snakes) and they pull one out and put it around your neck..and you become paralyzed with can barely answer the questions they are asking try..but all kinds of thoughts are entering your mind now..and you become confused..not sure..because you donot remember anything happening that night when you walked home but the detectives keep saying that you do and they want you to tell them what you finally cry out and say I do not remember anything like that happening that night.. and when you get to heaven you can even ask God and Jesus if I did this..nothing seems to be working..the detectives do not believe you and you know you are ficked!!
the detectives ask you to sign the paper of you walking down the street and the one where you ID'ed what looked like the shoes you were wearing that night..The detectives ask you where would the girl want you to go and what should we do with you are so exhausted you give the detectives a couple of answers and one is..well I could come over to your houses and you could watch me for the the detectives do not like that idea..but I think they can see that you are in no condition to go home either..they know that you are not thinking correctly and that you are in the pit of despair..and question your sanity at this time..but they donot call your mother or friend to come and pick you up either..instead they arrest you..and hand cuff your wrists tightly so tight that you have to later ask the guard to loosen them up for are put in a cell by yourself and are being monitored because your blood pressure is so high and they are worried about you..I hope anyways!!
to be continued...
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The New World Order The Secret Agenda Of Illuminati World War 3 2015
The New World Order The Secret Agenda Of Illuminati World War 3 2015
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
What!! I had a status Conference that I was assigned to show up for??
At our Status Conference today C.S. (District Attorney) did not show up!!..Gee..If my son wouldn't have showed up. Their would have been a warrant out for his arrest!! Thank God the judge did his job and made C.S. be present for "THE RECORD"...This case has had one mistake after another..Our Lawyer thinks the DA has not even read the full report or even looked at the videos---hence that is why their could be no dismissal--I figured from the start--if the District Attorney C.S. did not have 1-2 hours to review our case and write up his findings--He sure as heck is not going to prepare for a trial that takes hours upon hours to get ready for..and our lawyer today said C.S. record for taking people to trial is almost Nil..
This is a high profile case--it has been all over the news, radio, internet and newspapers from Milw all the way up to Rhinelander..
Our Lawyer said "they needed" to arrest someone to make the WU parents of kids feel safe.--I know for a fact that this is true because of others things the detectives tried to do to my son..
I will end my remarks here..the trial is scheduled for Oct 12th..
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Friday, August 14, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Thursday, August 06, 2015
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
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