Friday, December 17, 2010
End of Year 2010 Thoughts
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Mount your horse again
Renee's Thought of the Day: 6th Annual Woman's Expo
6th Annual Woman's Expo
Visit the Plymouth Arts Center, next Saturday, November 20th and Experience the "Art of Relaxation" with the
6th Annual "Wonderful World of Women" Expo a Fantastic Event featuring 50 vendors & therapists!
The Plymouth Arts Center is presenting its 6th Annual Wonderful World of Women…the Art Relaxation Expo on Saturday, November 20th from 10am to 3pm. All women are invited to enjoy this special day for ladies at the Arts the heart of downtown Plymouth. Please don’t miss it! Invite your friends, relatives and neighbors to join in the fun!
Make it a day out with the girls, or use the expo to take some well-deserved time out and pampering just for “you!” With an emphasis on wellness, beauty, home, and a balanced life, the Wonderful World of Women Expo offers something for every woman. Over 50 vendors and therapists will be participating again this year. Plan on spending the day with us, we'll be serving lunch in our cafe, featuring soup, Chicken Salad croissants, beverages, and desserts. about trying our specialty Mimosa and a Manicure! Then treat yourself to massage therapy, a facial, reflexology, hands on healing, participate in our bellydance workshop, take in a Reiki session, speak with the Country Doctor or a Nurse Practitioner, learn about acupuncture, nutrition, the latest styles in jewelry, purses, cosmetics, hair styles, shop for a special gift, learn how to make a quick and delicious dessert, and so much more! You are sure to leave inspired, energized and informed. You’ll also have a chance to win some terrific door prizes.
Admission is only $2 and we ask that you please bring a can good for the Plymouth Food Pantry.
For more information: please go to our website:, or call: (920) 892-8409; email: The Plymouth Arts Center is located at 520 East Mill Street, the corner of Mill, North and Eastern Avenue, Downtown. I am going to be doing Iris Analysis' at this event, it usually is a very good turn out and a fun event also!!
The Plymouth Arts Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit membership organization.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Can you get too much Iodine?

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Sunday, September 05, 2010
The Country Doctor Detox: What I have been doing lately
What I have been doing lately
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Be Young Sunset 100% Ntural Sunscreen
100% Natural Sunscreen
Do you and your family use sunscreen? Please read this before stocking up this summer!
Have you been told to stay out of the sun because it will damage your skin, cause cancer and ultimately kill you? Health care providers, beauty experts and even well meaning friends may advocate this but there is little scientific evidence to justify the many campaigns urging you to completely avoid the sun. Numerous studies show that the sun is not deadly. In fact, it is healthy for you. Of course, even too much of a good thing can be harmful.
For instance, long-term, excessive exposure to sunlight can increase the risk of certain types of skin cancer. However, there's a good deal of evidence that sun exposure without sunburn significantly decreases the risk of melanoma (a more deadly form of skin cancer), but the key is safe sun exposure.
What are the risk factors of the sun’s UVA and UVB (ultraviolet) rays? The UVA rays are the harmful ones because they penetrate your skin more deeply and cause more free radical damage. Not only that, but UVA rays are quite constant during all daylight hours all year long.
By comparison, UVB’s are low in morning and evening and high midday, but these are the good ones that help your skin produce Vitamin D. So, if you're out early in the morning or late in the day, you get lots of UVA (bad) and not much UVB. Not a good way to produce vitamin D. Plus you increase your risk of cancer if that's your only sun intake, and you fail to protect your skin.
What's more, if you think you don’t need to protect yourself on a cloudy day, think again. You may just wind up with sunburn(from the UVA rays) They can break through cloud cover and pollution and do some real damage to your skin.
You may know that wearing a synthetic chemical sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body’s production of vitamin D, but did you know it can interfere with vitamin D production by 97-99.9%! This could have serious consequences since vitamin D is so important for your health and well being.
Experts agree the best way to get your vitamin D is from Sunlight. Why? Because as soon as the sun's ultraviolet rays strike your skin, your body is programmed to do something remarkable! It starts producing its own natural vitamin D, in the most active form of D- calciferol(vitamin D3). This is what your body needs for proper functioning of organs and cells.
Amazingly, our bodies will automatically generate enough vitamin D from natural sunlight with virtually no risk of overdose. They know when to stop producing it before reaching toxic levels. By contrast, elevated vitamin D levels obtained from oral supplements can take 6 months or longer to normalize.
Safe sunlight exposure not only helps your body make vitamin D, it has also been shown to protect against as many as 16 different types of cancer! So, yes, your body does need some safe sun exposure, but how much is safe? Adequate time for most people is about 15 minutes per day. For those with very fair skin, it may be less. You can estimate it by when your skin just starts to turn slightly pink.
If you can't avoid the following three scenarios:
1. You’re forced to be in the sun’s direct rays for longer than is safe…
2. You must go in intense sunlight without the opportunity to gradually build up to it
3. You’re in a situation where blocking the sun with clothing or sun shades is impractical…
...use a sunscreen to help guard against sunburn. But, don't just slap on any of the standard commercial brands you find on store shelves.
Because of corporate greed countless products have been created that are harmful. There are literally hundreds of sunscreens that are toxic because they contain synthetic chemicals that can cause serious health problems and increase your risk of disease. Here's why:
The main chemical used in sunscreens to filter out UVB light is octyl methoxycinnamate(OMC.) OMC it was shown to be particularly toxic when exposed to sunshine. And guess what? OMC is present in 90% of sunscreen brands!
That's not all: A common UVA filter, butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane, has also demonstrated toxic properties. Furthermore, several studies show that the chemicals commonly used in sunscreens are absorbed through the skin and end up circulating in your blood stream.
There’s more: Potentially harmful chemicals such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man! So if your sunscreen contains these, or any of the previously mentioned chemicals, pitch it and switch to a formula that is safe and healthy for your skin.
For moms: You are undoubtedly concerned about your children’s well being and safety. When you lather up your kids with sunscreen thinking you're doing the right thing, you could in fact be doing more harm than good. Check the labels on your sunscreen and do the “pitch and switch.” Fortunately, there's a much better option than chemical-laden commercial sunscreens...
· FREE of chemical fragrances...
· FREE of parabens (harsh chemical preservatives)...
· FREE of toxic synthetic chemicals...
Be Young’s Sunset is 100% natural and safe sunscreen. Each active ingredient in this outstanding product has been carefully chosen to specifically protect and nourish your skin starting with: Titanium Dioxide & Zinc Oxide. These two active ingredients in Sunset are natural minerals that come from clay. They are not harsh, synthetically-produced chemicals you'll often find in popular brands. It may surprise you to find out that zinc oxide has been used all over the world for over 75 years as a safe sunscreen.
Unlike chemical sunscreens that absorb ultraviolet light, nature provides us with these two remarkable ingredients that remain on your skin to reflect and scatter the sun’s harmful rays from your body. How do they do this? Quite simply, they form a physical barrier, without irritating or clogging your pores.
Other ingredients: Virgin olive oil, aloe gel, grapeseed oil, colloidal silver, almond oil, avocado oil, and essential oils of grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine, spearmint, ylang ylang, geranium, tea tree, lavender.
While many citrus oils can be photo-sensitive, when used in this sunscreen preparation with the combination of the natural protective barrier of the oxide clays, your skin will tan instead of burn.
Bottom line: Be Young Sunset’s perfect blend of ingredients results in a pleasant-smelling sunscreen without any chemical fragrances or other dangerous artificial chemicals. For this reason you can feel great about putting it on your skin, and on your children too.
How to use: Shake well, spray on exposed areas of skin and rub in.
This spray is healthy for the skin and water resistant, however, it is recommended that you reapply frequently, especially after swimming, perspiring or towel-drying.
Renee Waters ND
Be Young Bug Buster
Every year approximately one-third of the American population uses insect repellents to deter mosquitoes and other pests. Currently, DEET is used in up to 230 different products in concentrations of up to 100%!
Did you know that DEET is a pesticide intended to kill insects? In case that idea by itself isn’t enough to motivate you, read on to discover the health issues it is known to cause. DEET sprays can melt plastic bags and fishing lines. Does that make you wonder what it can do to you?
Prolonged exposure to DEET can impair cell function in parts of your brain -- demonstrated in lab research by death and behavioral changes in rats with frequent or prolonged use. When these rats had their skin treated with the average human dosage equivalent (40 mg/kg body weight) of DEET, they performed far worse than control rats on physical tests requiring muscle control, strength, and coordination. This is consistent with reports of symptoms after military use of DEET in the Persian Gulf War.
Exposure causes neurons to die in several parts of your brain- including areas that control muscle movement, memory, concentration and learning. Rats given small doses of DEET for 60 days had a harder time accomplishing even the easiest tasks, things as simple as walking.
Heavy exposure to DEET and other insecticides can cause eye and skin irritation, memory loss, headaches, weakness, fatigue, muscle/joint pain, nausea, tremors and shortness of breath. Symptoms can appear months or even years after use. It gets worse...
Exposure to DEET combined with other chemicals is more dangerous than DEET alone. Medications can react with DEET and increase your risk of problems. Not only that…
Skin care products you use on a daily basis including deodorants, soaps, make-up and sunscreens containing various synthetic chemicals can also put you at increased risk of chemical contamination when combined with DEET.
Long-term and regular use of DEET can cause brain deficiencies particularly in children, and even more so when combined with other chemicals or medications. Children are more susceptible than adults to subtle brain changes caused by chemicals in their environment. Their skin more readily absorbs these chemicals and there’s greater danger of damaging their still-developing nervous systems.
Never, ever use any DEET-containing product on infants! Or on anyone else that you care about!
Other potential hazards can lurk in commercial bug sprays, such as the chemical permethrin(in the synthetic pyrethroid family), all of which are neurotoxins.
At relatively high doses, its effects are known to include tremors, loss of coordination, elevated body temperature, aggressive behavior, and learning disruption. Even at sub-lethal doses it can cause aggressive behavior, disruption of eating habits, and agitation. Lab results suggest that it is more dangerous for children than adults. The EPA labeled it as a carcinogen because it causes lung tumors.
Permethrin is also toxic to honeybees and other beneficial insects, fish, crayfish, and shrimp. It causes deformities in tadpoles and reduces the number of oxygen-carrying cells in the blood of birds. Unfortunately it's found in streams and rivers throughout the United States.
I'm sure you can agree that using sprays containing permethrin is not only bad for you, but bad for the environment!
Let’s not forget about the S.D. alcohol used as an anti-bacterial agent, denatured by toxic solvents such as acetone, turpentine and benzene which make it poisonous in moderate to large amounts. Ingestion may cause nausea, vomiting, impaired perception, stupor, coma and even death.
Oh, and what about the “inert” ingredients that are supposedly harmless? Two popular commercial insect repellent brands have high percentages of unspecified inert ingredient. Unfortunately, it's impossible to know for sure what 'inert' includes, since companies choose not disclose it on their labels or to the public. Care to speculate?
Now there's a much better alternative for you and your family ... it doesn't have to be a choice of either bugs or poisons. You can be rid of both with BUG BUSTER from Be Young!
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and AAP (American Association of Pediatricians) have posted cautions about using DEET products on infants and toddlers. This, plus concerns for their pets and the environment, is leading many parents to actively search for more natural products.
Be Young’s Natural BUG BUSTER Spray is an ideal natural flea and tick spray for your pets! Keeping harmful chemicals off pets make sense not only for your pet's sake, but also for your children's (and your own) sake. When your kids pet the dog or cat, the chemicals transfer from pet to child ... and think about how often kids put their hands in their mouths!
Be Young BUG BUSTER is your environmentally responsible way to enjoy the outdoors this summer. It's not toxic to you, your children, your pets, your yard, or your planet! You only have one life and one planet -- yours to protect as well as enjoy.
Ingredients: virgin olive oil, aloe gel, grapeseed oil, colloidal silver, almond oil, avocado oil; Essential oils: lemon, eucalyptus, basil, citronella, grapefruit, tangerine, spearmint, ylang ylang, tea tree, geranium, lavender.
Renee Waters ND
Ph. 920-922-8950
Sunday, January 10, 2010
A little about me...
Renee started her health adventure in 1980 when she began reading all of Paul Braggs books, she decided at age 19 that she wanted to be a Health Science Doctor. She tucked that thought back in her mind and knew someday that if God wanted her to be in a healing ministry that he would make it possible. Soon health conscious people began coming into Renee’s path and she was soon on the road to studying health and nutrition.
She began with the Art of Reflexology-her first love. Renee is able to provide acupressure to the feet and tell what organs or glands are sluggish and tense. Renee then looks at the eyes as a form of map to see what your inherited weaknesses are. Renee is able to see other body signs that reveal much about your health also like Tongue and nail assessment and facial analysis.
Renee really thinks that a program of bodywork, good nutrition, water, and supplements really round up a healthy program of health for her clients. Renee sees a lot of emotionally stressed out individuals and because of her background and experience in Emotional and Trauma Healing, Renee is able to provide much help and support for these individuals.
Renee has been creating a Workshop ”Artistic Creations” where she will address Healing Meditation, Intuitive Design, Creative Writing, Color Therapy, and Herbal Medicine. Renee feels that there is more to healing then just taking supplements. Renee believes that our goal is to become whole in mind, body and in spirit and that takes a bag of tricks to work out that goal.
If you are interested in Renee’s curriculum vitae, please go to and click on ABOUT US to see a page of degrees and diploma’s that Renee has to her name.
Renee feels that a good attitude and determination is essential in getting well. You must have a goal and you must believe that you will be well, and then you must put in the effort to become well. Hippocrates-The father of Medicine used Naturopathic medicine to assist his patients in becoming well. Things like drinking pure water, Sunshine, whole foods diet, exercise, herbal supplements and teas, Bodywork, fresh air and a clean environment. We must get away from the fast food and all the chemicals and go back to making foods from scratch and planting more of our foods and eating what is in our gardens.
I offer many different kinds of Body treatments. Castor oil compress, Hot Mustard Plaster, onion and garlic poultices etc. I blend essential oils to make household sprays, massage blends, facial treatments, colognes etc. I blend herbs to make extracts, decoctions, infusions, fomentations, bolus’, suppositories pessaries, poultices, compresses etc.
I am aware of how to grow and harvest many herbals, flowers and vegetables and bring them to the table to make delicious healthy meals.
I offer many cleansing formulas that assist and flush the colon, liver, kidneys and lymph. I offer many body therapies that relieve stress and tension, promote healing and pain reduction including craniosacral therapy and healing touch energy work.
I believe in prayer as a vital part of healing and use it often. I believe I am the vessel that God’s healing energy works in and through. If you like any or all of these things and would like to try some of these therapies please schedule an appointment with me by calling 920 922-8950.
Renee Waters ND
747 Crestview Ln
Fond du lac, WI 54935
920 922-8950
Recipes from the Country doctor since 1984
Recipe Feet Heat
This recipe is easy… when participating in cold winter outdoor activities, try putting on a pair of thin inner socks, and then a pair of thicker outer socks in which you’ve shaken a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Guaranteed to warm your sole.
Mustard plaster
A mustard pack, or plaster, is a well known folk remedy used for hundreds of years. It is excellent for aches, sprains, and eliminating mucus from the lungs. Mustard plasters are usually placed on the chest to draw out mucus congestion, dispel coldness, relieve asthma, eliminate coughs and heal colds and flu. They can also be put on other places to treat body and joint aches and pains and heal watery, oozing and chronic sores and boils.
Mustard Plaster Recipe Garlic & Onion Plaster
4 tablespoons flour puree garlic and onions with olive oil
2 tablespoons dry mustard follow same directions as the mustard plaster
Water (lukewarm)
For 1 gallon. Fill clear gallon jar with distilled water, add 1 cup herb mixture of your choice (or 12 tea bags), sit in sunshine for 4-6 hours, strain. ( if you want to sweeten the tea, try using ¾ gallon water, steep and strain then add 1 quart organic apple juice.
Renee’s Vinegarette Dressing
½ c chopped garlic, ½ of chopped horseradish. Finely chop the vegetables, pack into a jar, fill with half water and half organic apple cider vinegar, agitate daily for 14 days, strain, filter and bottle. Note: I blend the remaining garlic and Horseradish and make horseradish sauce.
Super Easy cough syrup
Put the lemon into a quart of cold water and bring to a simmer for 20 minutes. Put the lemon into a bowl, (use tongs, it’s hot!) and cut in half. Spoon out the lemon, inner rind and all, then blend with ½ c honey for a quick and tasty cough syrup.
Pessary – A Pessary is a vaginal suppository. The following recipe is antiseptic and very soothing for the vaginal wall. ¼ ounce Goldenseal, ¼ ounce slippery elm powder, ¾ oz. cocoa butter. Melt the cocoa butter in a saucepan, stir in the herbs until the mixture stiffens and can be worked into small cylinders approximately ¼ inch in diameter and 1 inch long. Lay on plate, cover with paper towel, refrig until harden. The pessary will melt and disperse its ingredients in the vagina over a period of hours. It is wise to use a pad to prevent stains on clothing.
The principle herbs which repel insects are citronella, Pennyroyal, Eucalyptus, Bergamot, Rue and Lavender. Add one or a combination of these oils to create a formula that is three parts olive or almond oil to one part essential oil.
To make a tanning oil that has no sun block, combine 1 ounce melted cocoa butter, 2 ounces coconut oil, 1 ounce sesame oil and 500 units vitamin E oil. If you want sun block, add zinc oxide or PABA (check safety research on these substances first)
Renee Waters ND
920 922-8950
Clay has been used to draw out toxins and foreign substances, heal burns and repair damaged tissue. Its virtues are endless and deserve study. Mix the clay with enough water to make a thick paste, spread with the spoon onto center of diaper in an area approx 6”x8” and 1“ thick. Apply the clay directly to the area to be treated, pressing it until the clay pulls away on its own accord, indicating that the therapy is completed. For more information on clay, please read The Healing Clay by Michel Abehsera.
Eye Wash Formula
The eye wash is for tired, strained eyes. It cleanses the tear ducts and stimulates circulation, which contributes to its fame as a vision restorative. Use 1 capsule of Nature Sunshine EW and 1 cup distilled water, boil water and add the EW, strain, let cool. Use glass eye cup to rinse eyes. Call Renee at 922-8950 to get the full recipe and herbal formula.