Saturday, April 25, 2009
We just finished the Work shop. I made pumpkin Bread and Raspberry cheese cake with organic eggs and whole made organic raspberry topping from the garden. I also served a Slippery Elm Lemon Tea that is good for sore throats and gastrointestinal problems.
First we went through an exercise by Doris Klein entitled The sea in me. And the question that we focused on was The intuitive place inside of me looks like? While we meditated on that I had soft ocean music playing and I talked them through a healing color meditative exercise which I really think everyone benefited from.
We then went into the creative writing exercise which we wrote our feelings with our non dominant hand. Then we did the intuitive design exercise (drawing) while I did a color therapy card exercise for a person who picked the color yellow.
After that fantastic relaxing exercise we were ready to use our left brain and learn some things about Herbal medicine. I talked about allergies and sinusitis and gave some remedies that may help. We discussed how ear candling is very effective for inner ear, dizziness, itching and hearing problems. We tried some essential oils. We talked about the damaging effects of antibiotics and how alternative medicines may be more effective in some cases.
We discussed a little about Hand Reflexology and how reflexology applied to the lung pressure point has benefited some people in the easement of breathing, relaxing the bronchial tubes.
I had two female clients who came in yesterday which I was able to apply some of the things I spoke of above along with affirmations and EFT which was phanomenal towards their healing experience. I really think knowing and learning how to apply this aspect to my practice is going to be a huge success in achieving not only health but emotional freedom. If you are interested in scheduling for an appointment, feel free to call me at 922-8950. I am running $10.00 off Special on any of my Signatures or Services but you must call soon because the appointments are filling up fast.
Renee L. Waters ND
Monday, April 06, 2009
Artistic Creations Workshop
April 23rd 9:30 a.m.
747 Crestview Ln * Fond du lac
Sometimes we feel depressed, anxious, fatigued, stuck in a rut without knowing why; unable to move past the current trauma. We may be experiencing relationship love or loss, job termination, financial difficulties, health problems, family crisis etc.
Intuitive design helped me to move the blocked off thoughts I was holding in my subconscious mind to my conscious mind so I could reconnect with my heart again; to give me a passion for life again, help me connect the dots to my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves.
I am putting together a workshop that involves creative writing, Meditation, Color Therapy, Bodywork and Wellness ideas.
This workshop is for anyone who would like to discover the creative energies that are hidden away in the center of their being and revitalize and move past negative stuck thought patterns.
If you would like to schedule for this 2-hour workshop please call Renee Waters ND (920) 922-8950